Stakken - Kvaløysletta, Tromsø, Norway.


At Stakken, south of Kvaløysletta, stands a row of boathouses, eleven in all, most of them built using old, traditional building techniques, with turfed roofs. Behind the row of boathouses lie several buildings big and small – a “båtskott” (boat shed), smithy, wooden shack, fishing hut and toilet.

Me, posing in front of the boathouses at “Stakken”

Most of the land is owned by Arctandria, Tromsø Kystlag (founded in 1979). The company also owns two of the boathouses and the buildings behind, and the site has been to a great extent built on a voluntary basis. The rest of the boathouses are privately owned, mostly by members of Arctandria.

In the boathouses are housed old and new Nordland (wooden) boats of different sizes – the largest is the fembøring (five-man boat) Salarøy, which is owned by the Salarøy foundation and is housed in the large boathouse. In its establishment phase at Stakken, the Arctandria association has set up its own buildings, but its main aim is to preserve the coastal culture by restoring old boats, building new ones using traditional principles and holding a variety of courses in restoration, smithcraft, sweeping, etc., as well as 4-H.

The buildings were built according to old designs and building techniques, mostly during the 1980s and 1990s. In many cases there are new materials as well as the re-use of old building materials, which has been the custom along the coast of North Norway for hundreds of years.

Thrainn Kolbeinsson: Free for all, my edits.

My friend Thrainn Kolbeinsson from Iceland has put up a bunch of his RAW files on his website. All RAW files of photographs that Thrainn took. But you can get your hands on, and edit.

Its of course very interesting to see someone else play around with your RAW files, and give their creative interpretation to your photographs. I really liked this idea, so that is what I’ve done here. I’ve edited the following of Thrainn’s photographs.

*Make sure to click the photographs to see it in its original aspect ratio!!

Go give Thrainn’s website and instagram a visit and a follow, he is a super talented photographer as you can see from these images below.
You can find him on: and