The Highlands, Iceland

Here’s a few snaps of my most recent trip to Iceland in August. I was out and about with a group of friends in the beautiful Highlands.

There’s more posts on my Instagram and Facebook page.
Thanks for checking these shots out!

Workshop in "Het Leudal" // The last colors of Autumn

Today I gave another photography workshop in my local nature reserve. “Het Leudal” for two nice guys from Belgium. My clients were really into learning how to find new compositions, look for leading lines, framing, and just looking and experiencing a forest (in this case) for photography. Also very much to just slow down and enjoy nature ofcourse.

We did walk about 9km through the area and encountered a lot of nice places. Some Leudal classics, and beautiful random encounters. Some interesting conversations about photography accompanied us during our walks. We all had a great day. Thank you for joining me today guys, and to you: Thanks for checking out this blogpost. Below is a selection of photographs from today.

The Classic. A long exposure at the watermill in Het Leudal

A well spotted beautiful leaf with waterdrops by one of the participants. I had to shoot it too ofcourse.

The beautiful landscape in Het Leudal

Beautiful Blooming Heather Photography

Waking up early has always been the secret to capturing the most breathtaking moments in nature. As the first rays of dawn began to streak the sky, I found myself among the blooming heath, adorned with delicate flowers in vibrant hues. The air was crisp and calm, carrying the whispers of anticipation. Patiently, I set up my camera, adjusting every lens and dial with precision. In the tender morning light, the heath seemed to come alive, each petal awakening with the promise of a new day. As I waited for the sun to crest above the horizon, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty unfolding before me. The colors danced and mingled, creating a symphony of vibrant imagery. The stillness of the early morning amplified my appreciation, as if time stood still just for this moment. I truly love that serene atmosphere.

Winter Photography in Norway

I am currently in Norway, and will be for the next few weeks. It is winter, it has been cold but there wasn't any new snow here for some time. Until a few days ago, when there was a fresh amount snow dumped on the landscape here. Perfect conditions to get outside for a few typical Norwegian winter shots! And to enjoy the bitter cold. I do like this kind of weather, am I crazy? Maybe.. Enjoy the photographs and the video.

Connection - De Groote Peel

De Groote Peel is a National Park in the area that I live. It is a place I have always been drawn to. Ever since I photograph basically. So much to see, hear and feel there.

The older I get the more I feel emotionally attached to this piece of land. I have family roots in this area. This area is like a magnet, its pretty much always on my mind and radar.

And when I visit and stroll along the tiny pathways crossing the bogs/wetlands into the distance, passing by forestland I listen to the silence. Get humbled by the clouds passing by, wind on my face, and nature setting the pace of life. It is like seeing with your eyes closed. The silence in this place is special, its louder then anywhere else. Isn't it beautiful how you can connect and ground with a place, a strip of land?

And I envision my forefathers and long gone family living here. Working and simply being part of this area. Their blood, veins, and bones are part of this. I am part of this. I am rooted here. It is my Identity.

Shots taken today, on 2nd Christmas day. On a little stroll with my family. To pay tribute to who I am, and where I come from. To those who shaped and are part of me. And very much to whom I wish to be.