Romantisch Kessel, hoe het was en is...

Vandaag in "mijn" Kessel wezen fotograferen, en wel: een hele mooie expositie met allerlei beeldmateriaal uit en rondom het prachtige Kessel, waar ik geboren en opgegroeid ben. "Romantisch Kessel, hoe het was en is..." is een expositie met beeldmateriaal van toen en nu. Denk aan foto's, schilderijen, films, archeologische vondsten en een mooie maquette (die mijn Opa, Piet van Nunen vroeger nog gemaakt heeft).

Als echte Kesselse vond ik het een hele eer om deze mooie expositie vast te mogen leggen in het prachtige Kasteel de Keverberg. Ik heb gefotografeerd, maar ook een kort filmpje gemaakt.

Delen van het filmpje, de foto's of deze gehele webpagina wordt op prijs gesteld! (wel graag met vermelding)

Burg Eltz, Germany

Get ready for a bunch of photos from this amazing location in Germany. I drove up there with my friend Chris Kuik to catch the castle waking up to a new day. So without boring you with a lot of words, ill have the photographs do the talking for me. It was a nice early morning photography session, I can tell you that.

Here are the results. 

Ladies Event Kessel 2017

Past week I have been taking photographs at the second Ladies Event in Kessel (Limburg, The Netherlands) Just like last year it was a great success. The location for this event was amazing. It was inside the castle of the town, Kasteel de Keverberg. Read more about the castle right here

The event had several local business, such as fashion stores, hairdressers, bookstores and other health and beauty related stands on display. The visitors were welcomed with a packed goodie-bag, and entertained by several interactive speeches and demonstrations during the day. There was live music in between the demonstrations and to top it off there even were several mode shows and a price give away. The event took place during 2 sessions, one afternoon group of visitors and one evening group. Very well organized, smooth and relaxed.

For more information about the event, visit their facebook page.

Take a look at some of the photographs I took at this event.