Early and foggy morning

This morning I was up early and saw that it was foggy out. Thats a situation perfect for some moody morning shots. Not something I wanted to miss. It has been a while since I've done a early morning session with fog. So out we went! I spotted this field with some horses. Now I am not a big horse fan, lets say I respect them a lot. Well... actually I was afraid of them when I was younger. They are so big and strong. I always had mad respect for these animals. But now I am kind of cool with them. So I walked up to two very curious and friendly horses and just hung out with them for a bit. That was actually pretty nice. Check out the photo's below!

Sunrise at the Boschmolenplas

This past weekend I had one of those nights again, where I couldn't get any sleep at night. My mind just keeps racing. So what I needed was to go out, that always makes me calm and takes away a bit from all the things that are going on in my head haha. 6 am and I am at this lake. Catching the sunrise, there's not much more to the story! I loved going out, and after coming back I had a little nap and slept like a baby. So there you go, this shows once more that clearing your head in nature is a very nice thing to be able to do.

Have a look at the shots right here, and I also shot a video for this trip. Check it out!
(Yes I notice how I often I mention how tired I am in this video, forgive me, I was so knackered)

Check out the video for this photo session right here, and remember to subscribe on youtube to keep up with my recent adventures and more.

Out and About 3: Großer De-Witt-See & Ferkensbruch

With the weekend in front of me I decided to end my week with a nice little outdoor photo session. I was going to have to drive a bit for work anyways, so why not make a little detour on the way home and take my camera gear with me? Right? Right! I had been scouting Google Maps for a little bit the past few days for nice locations in Germany, just across the border. My recent trip to the Krickenbecker Seen in Hombergen got me going to find more similar places.

So in doing so I came across two places pretty close to each other that might make interesting photo locations. I am talking about the Großer De-Witt-See & Ferkensbruch. Both situated close to Lobberich in North Rhine Westphalia. Lobberich is situated some 15 minutes away from Venlo, The Netherlands. So really, this place is around the corner. I love living close to other countries. So much.

I found the Großer De-Witt-See quite nice. Calm little lake with lots of nature around it. 
This resulted in me shooting a nice set of photographs of the place. Have a look at the gallery below. (Click the images to see them in full size)

Ferkensbruch was a little bit disappointing, small, not much nice viewpoints over the water and a little bit of a boring place. You can't win them all. I do have one nice photo from that place though. All in all not a bad way to start my weekend, and being able to enjoy the outdoors like this is really all that counts anyways.



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